File Name: Jim's Water Service, Inc
EQC Docket Number: 99-3401
Date Opened: 2/8/1999
AG Attorney: Barrash
Prevailing Party: Party Settled
Date of Disposition: 10/8/2003
Date File Closed: 10/28/2003
Archive Date: 12/15/2014
Archive Box: 116 CONTESTED CASES
City: Gillette
County: Campbell
DEQ File Number: 3041-99
Division: Water Quality
Case type: NOV & Order if Docket Ends with A it's been appeal
Hearing Examiner: Dunn
Summary: DEQ Docket No. 3042-99, EQC Docket No. 99-3202; DEQ Docket No. 3049-99, EQC Docket No. 99-3203: Jim’s Water Service appealed the three NOV’s issued to them. The Council received a memo from the DEQ’s attorney that scheduling a hearing at this time would


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
12/15/2014Request of Hearing-AppealJim RubyPleadingAccepted
12/15/2014OrderJim RubyOrderAccepted

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