File Name: Guernsey Stone Company
EQC Docket Number: 03-4804
Date Opened: 9/19/2003
AG Attorney: Burbridge
Prevailing Party: Party Settled
Date of Disposition: 10/28/2004
Date File Closed: 10/28/2004
Archive Date: 12/15/2014
Archive Box: 116 CONTESTED CASES
City: Hartville
County: Platte
DEQ File Number: 242 TFN 3 3/364
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Non-Permit Holder Appeal
Hearing Examiner: Dunn
Summary: Guernsey Stone applied for a mining permit amendment. Objections were received concerning the hours of operation, air quality, dust levels, night lighting, traffic, quality of life, and the type of equipment used. A prehearing conference was scheduled f


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
12/15/2014OrderJim RubyOrderAccepted
12/15/2014Flaherty, Hawshar McClure WithdrawalJim RubyPleadingAccepted
12/15/2014Goodreid, Sturdivant WithdrawalJim RubyPleadingAccepted
12/15/2014Nelson WithdrawalJim RubyOrderAccepted
12/15/2014PRBRC WithdrawalJim RubyPleadingAccepted
12/15/2014Sturdivant WithdrawalJim RubyPleadingAccepted
12/15/2014Swade WithdrawalJim RubyPleadingAccepted

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