File Name: Solid Waste Rule Chapter 3
EQC Docket Number: 22-5102
Date Opened: 8/26/2022
AG Attorney: James Kaste
Prevailing Party: Rule Making
Date of Disposition: 1/23/2023
Date File Closed: 1/23/2023
Archive Date: 8/29/2023
Archive Box:
City: State wide
County: State wide
DEQ File Number: SWR Chapter 3
Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Case type: Rulemaking
Hearing Examiner: Ryan Greene
Summary: SHWD proposed to revise Chapter 3 of the Solid Waste Rules (SWR) to remove redundant and irrelevant language, correct grammar, restructure passages for clarity, provide consistency with other chapters of the SWR, and format the rule to meet the Secretary of State requirements. In addition, the Wyoming Department Environmental Quality proposed updates to the permit terms, as well as the standards for location, design and construction, operating, monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting, closure and post-closure, and corrective action.


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
8/26/2022Memo to GovernorJody WeikartMemo to GovernorAccepted
8/26/2022Jody Weikart agreed to receive service by emailJody WeikartEmail Service AgreementAccepted
9/1/2022AG ReviewJody WeikartAG ReviewAccepted
9/1/2022Taking AnalysisJody WeikartTaking AnalysisAccepted
9/1/2022Comment on Proposed RuleJody WeikartComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
9/1/2022Response to Comment During Informal Outreach February 4, 2022 through March 7, 2022Jody WeikartOtherAccepted
9/1/2022Response to Comments Related to June 28, 2022 WWAB MeetingJody WeikartOtherAccepted
9/1/2022Advisory Board TranscriptJody WeikartAdvisory Board TranscriptAccepted
9/1/2022Memo Requesting RulemakingJody WeikartMemo Requesting RulemakingAccepted
9/1/2022Notice of Public HearingJody WeikartNotice of Public HearingAccepted
9/1/2022Clean ChapterJody WeikartClean ChapterAccepted
9/1/2022Strike and Underline ChapterJody WeikartStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
9/1/2022Index of Materials DEQ UsedJody WeikartIndex of Materials DEQ UsedAccepted
9/1/2022Notice of Intent to Adopt RulesJody WeikartNotice of Intent to Adopt RulesAccepted
9/1/2022Proposed Statement of Principal ReasonsJody WeikartProposed Statement of Principal ReasonsAccepted
10/26/2022Response to Comments Received Before October 24, 2022Jody WeikartOtherAccepted
10/26/2022Index of Materials DEQ Used - October 25, 2022Jody WeikartIndex of Materials DEQ UsedAccepted
11/17/2022Statement of Principal ReasonJim RubyStatement of Principal ReasonAccepted
11/17/2022sign in sheetJim RubyOtherAccepted
12/19/2022TranscriptJim RubyOtherAccepted
1/23/2023Certification PageJody WeikartCertification PageAccepted
1/23/2023Memo: Notice of Final Adoption of Solid Waste Rule Chapter 3Jody WeikartOtherAccepted

Visits = 377