File Name: In Re Citation Oil & Gas Corp. Permits P0027427,P0027428,P0027429,P0027430,P0027431,P0027432,P002743
EQC Docket Number: 20-2601
Date Opened: 7/6/2020
AG Attorney: James Kaste
Prevailing Party: DEQ
Date of Disposition: 4/21/2021
Date File Closed: 4/21/2021
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
City: Riverton
County: Fremont
DEQ File Number: P0027427,P0027428,P0027429,P0027430,P0027431,P002
Division: Air Quality
Case type: Permit Holders Appeal
Hearing Examiner: JD Radakovich
Summary: Citation Oil and Gas Corp. appealed the decision of the Department concerning 7 air quality permits in the Dallas Dome Tank Battery in Fremont County Wyoming
Motions for Summary Judgment2/25/2021 9:00:00 AMCouncil offices, via Zoom at 2300 Capitol Ave. Hathaway Building, Cheyenne WY 82002
EQC Docket 20-2601 Hearing on Motion to Stay1/7/2021 9:00:00 AMCouncil offices, via Zoom at 2300 Capitol Ave. Hathaway Building, Cheyenne WY 82002
Approval of Order4/21/2021 8:30:00 AMVia Zoom


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
7/6/2020Petitioner Letter to ChairJim RubyLettersAccepted
7/6/2020Petition for hearing on P0027427Jim RubyPleadingAccepted
7/6/2020Petition for hearing on P0027428Jim RubyPleadingAccepted
7/6/2020Petition for hearing on P0027429Jim RubyPleadingAccepted
7/6/2020Petition for hearing on P0027430Jim RubyPleadingAccepted
7/6/2020Petition for hearing on P0027431Jim RubyPleadingAccepted
7/6/2020Petition for hearing on P0027432Jim RubyPleadingAccepted
7/6/2020Petition for hearing on P0027433Jim RubyPleadingAccepted
7/6/2020Callie Papoulas agreed to receive service by emailCallie PapoulasEmail Service AgreementAccepted
7/14/2020Order of StayJim RubyOrderAccepted
7/14/2020Certificate of ServiceJim RubyCertificate of ServiceAccepted
11/3/2020Entry of AppearanceCallie PapoulasPleadingAccepted
11/3/2020Callie Papoulas agreed to receive service by emailCallie PapoulasEmail Service AgreementAccepted
11/18/2020Stipulated Motion to Lift Stay and Request for Scheduling ConferenceMacrina JerabekPleadingAccepted
11/18/2020[Proposed] Scheduling Order(Removed)Macrina JerabekPleadingRemoved
11/18/2020Order Setting Telephone Scheduling Conference(Removed)Macrina JerabekPleadingRemoved
11/18/2020Macrina Jerabek agreed to receive service by emailMacrina JerabekEmail Service AgreementAccepted
11/25/2020Matt Micheli agreed to receive service by emailMatt MicheliEmail Service AgreementAccepted
12/1/2020Citation Oil & Gas Corp.'s Memorandum Brief in Support of its Motion for Summary JudgmentMacrina JerabekPleadingAccepted
12/1/2020Exhibit AMacrina JerabekPleading ExhibitAccepted
12/2/2020Citation Oil & Gas Corp.'s Motion to Temporarily Stay Permit ConditionsMacrina JerabekPleadingAccepted
12/2/2020Exhibit A - Declaration of Robert RedweikMacrina JerabekPleading ExhibitAccepted
12/2/2020Exhibit BMacrina JerabekPleading ExhibitAccepted
12/3/2020Scheduling OrderJim RubyOrderAccepted
12/3/2020Certificate of ServiceJim RubyCertificate of ServiceAccepted
12/21/2020Department of Environmental Quality's Response and Cross Motion for Summary JudgmentCallie PapoulasPleadingAccepted
12/21/2020Department of Environmental Quality's Memorandum in Support of Response and Cross Motion for Summary JudgmentCallie PapoulasPleadingAccepted
12/21/2020DEQ Exhibit 1Callie PapoulasPleading ExhibitAccepted
12/21/2020DEQ Exhibit 2Callie PapoulasPleading ExhibitAccepted
12/21/2020DEQ Exhibit 3Callie PapoulasPleading ExhibitAccepted
12/21/2020DEQ Exhibit 4Callie PapoulasPleading ExhibitAccepted
12/21/2020DEQ Exhibit 5Callie PapoulasPleading ExhibitAccepted
12/21/2020Department of Environmental Quality's Rule 56.1 Statement of Material FactsCallie PapoulasPleadingAccepted
12/21/2020Department of Environmental Quality's Proposed Order Callie PapoulasPleadingAccepted
12/22/2020Department of Environmental Quality's Response to Citation's Motion to Temporarily Stay Permit Provisions in Permit Nos. P0027427 through P0027433Callie PapoulasPleadingAccepted
12/23/2020Citation Oil & Gas Corp.'s Reply in Support of Its Motion to Temporarily Stay Permit ConditionsMacrina JerabekPleadingAccepted
12/23/2020Order for Motion HearingJoe GirardinOrderAccepted
12/23/2020Certificate of ServiceJoe GirardinCertificate of ServiceAccepted
1/5/2021Citation Oil & Gas Corp.'s Unopposed Motion for Extension of Summary Judgment Response/Replies DeadlinesMatt MicheliPleadingAccepted
1/5/2021proposed OrderMatt MicheliPleadingAccepted
1/6/2021Amended Order for Motion hearing Jim RubyOrderAccepted
1/6/2021Certificate of ServiceJim RubyCertificate of ServiceAccepted
1/7/2021Order Granting Extension of TimeJim RubyOrderAccepted
1/7/2021Certificate of ServiceJim RubyCertificate of ServiceAccepted
1/12/2021Citation Oil & Gas Corp.'s Response to DEQ's Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment and Reply in Support of Citation Oil & Gas Corp.'s Motion for Summary JMatt MicheliPleadingAccepted
1/12/2021Exhibit A- Declaration of Robert J. RedweikMatt MicheliPleading ExhibitAccepted
1/12/2021Exhibit B- Existing Facility Permit DocumentationMatt MicheliPleading ExhibitAccepted
1/12/2021Exhibit C- Completeness DeterminationsMatt MicheliPleading ExhibitAccepted
1/20/2021Department of Environmental Quality's Reply in Support of Its Motion for Summary JudgmentCallie PapoulasPleadingAccepted
1/21/2021Motion for Stay HearingJim RubyTranscriptAccepted
1/22/2021Withdrawal of AppearanceCallie PapoulasPleadingAccepted
1/26/2021Order Granting Temporary StayJim RubyOrderAccepted
1/26/2021Certificate of ServiceJim RubyCertificate of ServiceAccepted
1/29/2021Order for Summary Judgement HearingJim RubyOrderAccepted
1/29/2021Certificate of ServiceJim RubyCertificate of ServiceAccepted
3/22/2021TranscriptJim RubyTranscriptAccepted
4/21/2021Findings of Facts, Conclusion of Law and OrderJim RubyOrderAccepted
4/21/2021Certificate of ServiceJim RubyCertificate of ServiceAccepted

Visits = 1184