File Name: Water Quality Rules and Regulations Chapter 12
EQC Docket Number: 20-3101
Date Opened: 3/18/2020
AG Attorney: James Kaste
Prevailing Party: Rule Making
Date of Disposition: 5/12/2020
Date File Closed: 5/12/2020
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
City: State wide
County: State wide
DEQ File Number: Chapter 12, Design and Construction Standards for
Division: Water Quality
Case type: Rulemaking
Hearing Examiner: NA
Summary: The proposed revisions include new paragraphs that require public water supplies that propose acidization to submit plans that describe existing wells in the proposed area, mitigation plans, local geology, and placement and integrity of the annular seal and casing of the well so that the WDEQ Water Quality Division may ensure the acidization activities do not negatively impact underground sources of drinking water that are in the vicinity of the proposed activities. The proposed changes also correct formatting inconsistencies, capitalization errors, and redundancies.


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
3/18/2020Memo to GovernorGina ThompsonMemo to GovernorAccepted
3/18/2020Gina Thompson agreed to receive service by emailGina ThompsonEmail Service AgreementAccepted
3/23/2020Memo Requesting RulemakingGina ThompsonMemo Requesting RulemakingAccepted
3/23/2020Notice of Intent to Adopt RulesGina ThompsonNotice of Intent to Adopt RulesAccepted
3/23/2020Proposed Statement of Principal ReasonsGina ThompsonProposed Statement of Principal ReasonsAccepted
3/23/2020Notice of Public HearingGina ThompsonNotice of Public HearingAccepted
3/23/2020Clean Chapter 12Gina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
3/23/2020Strike and Underline Chapter 12Gina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
3/23/2020Taking AnalysisGina ThompsonTaking AnalysisAccepted
3/23/2020Advisory Board Transcript-October 17, 2019 Water and Waste Advisory BoardGina ThompsonAdvisory Board TranscriptAccepted
3/23/2020Advisory Board CommentGina ThompsonAdvisory Board CommentAccepted
3/23/2020AG ReviewGina ThompsonAG ReviewAccepted
3/23/2020Chapter 12 IndexGina ThompsonOtherAccepted
3/31/2020Comment on Proposed Rule-ASSEGina ThompsonComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
5/5/2020Comment on Proposed Rule: IDEXXGina ThompsonComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
5/8/2020Comment on Proposed Rule: Weston EngineeringGina ThompsonComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
5/11/2020Comment on Proposed Rule: John WetsteinGina ThompsonComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
5/12/2020Notice of WithdrawalJim RubyPleadingAccepted
6/26/2020James Kaste agreed to receive service by emailJames KasteEmail Service AgreementAccepted

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