File Name: In Re AOC Big Horn County Solid Waste District South BigHorn County Landfill
EQC Docket Number: 20-5901
Date Opened: 2/27/2020
AG Attorney: James Kaste
Prevailing Party: Party Settled
Date of Disposition: 5/21/2020
Date File Closed: 5/21/2020
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
City: Basin
County: Big Horn
DEQ File Number: 5997-20
Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Case type: Orders of DEQ Requiring Approval
Hearing Examiner: NA
Summary: Agreement between DEQ Solid Waste with Big Horn County Solid Waste Disposal District construct municipal solid waste transfer station.


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
2/27/2020Administrative Order on ConsentJim RubyPleadingAccepted
5/21/2020Order Approving AOCJim RubyOrderAccepted
5/21/2020Certificate of ServiceJim RubyCertificate of ServiceAccepted

Visits = 822