File Name: Coal and Noncoal Financial Assurance Regulations
EQC Docket Number: 18-4102
Date Opened: 12/17/2018
AG Attorney: James Kaste
Prevailing Party: Rule Making
Date of Disposition: 2/20/2019
Date File Closed: 7/28/2022
Archive Date: 8/29/2023
Archive Box:
City: Cheyenne
County: Laramie
DEQ File Number: Coal Ch. 11 and 20, Noncoal Ch. 6 and 12
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Rulemaking
Hearing Examiner: Baumer
Summary: Proposed revisions to Coal Chapters 11 and 20 and Noncoal Chapters 6 and 12. The current "Self-bonding" chapters, Coal Chapter 11 and Noncoal Chapter 6 are being renamed to "Financial Assurance" and amended to incorporated recent statutory changes and update current bonding practices. Current "Letter of Credit" regulations in Coal Chapter 20 and Noncoal Chapter 12 are being amended and consolidated into a single "Financial Assurance" chapter so the bonding regulations are in a single chapter for the coal and noncoal programs.
Public hearing2/19/2019 9:00:00 AMRoom 100 Hathaway Bldg. 2300 Capitol Ave. Cheyenne WY


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
12/17/2018Governors Permission to ProceedCraig HultsMemo to GovernorAccepted
12/17/2018Craig Hults agreed to receive service by emailCraig HultsEmail Service AgreementAccepted
12/24/2018Public Meeting NoticeCraig HultsNotice of Public HearingAccepted
12/24/2018March 28 2018 Meeting MinutesCraig HultsAdvisory Board TranscriptAccepted
12/24/2018December 6 2017 Meeting MinutesCraig HultsAdvisory Board TranscriptAccepted
12/24/2018Hearing Request MemoCraig HultsMemo Requesting RulemakingAccepted
12/24/2018Noncoal Notice of Intent to Adopt RulesCraig HultsNotice of Intent to Adopt RulesAccepted
12/24/2018Coal Notice of Intent to Adopt RulesCraig HultsNotice of Intent to Adopt RulesAccepted
12/24/2018Takings AnalysisCraig HultsTaking AnalysisAccepted
12/24/2018Coal Statement of Principal ReasonsCraig HultsStatement of Principal ReasonAccepted
12/24/2018Noncoal Statement of Principal ReasonsCraig HultsStatement of Principal ReasonAccepted
12/24/2018Coal Chapter 11 - Strike & UnderlineCraig HultsStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
12/24/2018Coal Chapter 20 - Strike & UnderlineCraig HultsStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
12/24/2018Coal Chapter 20 - Strike & UnderlineCraig HultsStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
12/24/2018Noncoal Chapter 6 - Strike & UnderlineCraig HultsStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
12/24/2018Noncoal Chapter 12 - Strike & UnderlineCraig HultsStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
12/24/2018Coal Chapter 11 - CleanCraig HultsClean ChapterAccepted
12/24/2018Coal Chapter 20 - CleanCraig HultsClean ChapterAccepted
12/24/2018Noncoal Chapter 6 - CleanCraig HultsClean ChapterAccepted
12/24/2018Noncoal Chapter 12 - CleanCraig HultsClean ChapterAccepted
12/24/2018September 19 2018 Advisory Board MinutesCraig HultsAdvisory Board TranscriptAccepted
1/31/2019PRBRC CommentsCraig HultsComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
2/8/2019WMA CommentsJim RubyComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
2/8/2019Citizen CommentsCraig HultsComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
2/8/2019Powder River Energy Corporation CommentsCraig HultsComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
2/8/2019Thunder Basin CommentsCraig HultsComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
2/8/2019Western Fuels CommentsCraig HultsComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
2/8/2019Citizen Comments 2Craig HultsComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
2/12/2019Citizen Comment 2Craig HultsComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
2/15/2019OSMRE Self-bond Preamble (8_10_1983)Craig HultsOtherAccepted
2/15/2019IMCC Report on Financial Assurance for Coal & Noncoal CommoditiesCraig HultsOtherAccepted
2/15/2019March 28 Advisory Board Meeting Minutes SummaryCraig HultsOtherAccepted
2/15/2019WMA 2_26_2018 CommentsCraig HultsAdvisory Board CommentAccepted
2/15/2019WMA 3_22_2018 AB CommentCraig HultsAdvisory Board CommentAccepted
2/15/2019WMA 9_18_2018 AB CommentsCraig HultsAdvisory Board CommentAccepted
2/15/2019PRBRC 9_18_2018 AB CommentsCraig HultsAdvisory Board CommentAccepted
2/15/2019Analysis of CommentsCraig HultsOtherAccepted
2/19/2019AG Review for Statutory AuthorityCraig HultsOtherAccepted
2/19/2019Index of Materials(Removed)Craig HultsOtherRemoved
2/19/2019Index of Materials FinalCraig HultsOtherAccepted
2/19/2019Final Analysis of CommentsCraig HultsOtherAccepted
2/19/2019Index of Materials(Removed)Craig HultsOtherRemoved
2/20/2019Final Signed Coal SOPRCraig HultsStatement of Principal ReasonAccepted
2/20/2019Final Signed Noncoal SOPRCraig HultsStatement of Principal ReasonAccepted
2/25/2019Sign in SheetJim RubyOtherAccepted
3/25/2019TranscriptJim RubyTranscriptAccepted
7/28/2022Certification PageCraig HultsCertification PageAccepted

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