File Name: In Re Town of Kaycee AOC
EQC Docket Number: 17-5902
Date Opened: 2/23/2017
AG Attorney: Kelly Shaw
Prevailing Party: Party Settled
Date of Disposition: 3/22/2017
Date File Closed: 7/13/2017
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
City: Kaycee
County: Johnson
DEQ File Number: 5734-17
Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Case type: Orders of DEQ Requiring Approval
Hearing Examiner: Bagley
Summary: Administrative Order on Consent between DEQ and the Town of Kaycee regarding the Town of Kaycee landfill.


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
2/23/2017Administrative Order on ConsentJim RubyPleadingAccepted
3/22/2017Order Approving Administrative Order on ConsentJim RubyOrderAccepted

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