File Name: In Re Thayne Transfer Station AOC
EQC Docket Number: 16-5903
Date Opened: 2/1/2016
AG Attorney: Kelly Shaw
Prevailing Party: Party Settled
Date of Disposition: 3/2/2016
Date File Closed: 3/4/2016
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
City: Thayne
County: Lincoln
DEQ File Number: 5649-16
Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Case type: Orders of DEQ Requiring Approval
Hearing Examiner: NA
Summary: House Bill 0066, commonly referred to as the Cease and Transfer bill, was enacted by the Wyoming legislature in the 2013 general session. Under this bill, Wyoming Statutes (W.S.) 35-11-528 through W.S. 35-11-532 were enacted enabling municipal solid waste (MSW) facility operators to receive funds to assist in the building of MSW transfer stations and for closure of small landfills. To be eligible for funding, operators must enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Solid and Hazardous Waste Division (SHWD); implement and revise the community's solid waste management plan; cease disposal of all MSW streams at the closing facility; and conform with applicable statutes (cited above).


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
2/1/2016Administrative Order on ConsentJoe GirardinPleadingAccepted
3/3/2016Order Approving Order on ConsentJim RubyOrderAccepted

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