File Name: Solid & Hazardous Waste - Rulemaking Ch. 1,2,7
EQC Docket Number: 13-5101
Date Opened: 1/8/2013
AG Attorney: DEQ
Prevailing Party: Respondent
Date of Disposition: 3/14/2013
Date File Closed: 3/14/2013
Archive Date: 3/26/2018
Archive Box:
City: Cheyenne
County: Laramie
DEQ File Number: none
Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Case type: Rulemaking
Hearing Examiner: Searle
Summary: The Department of Environmental Quality is proposing to amend the Solid Waste Rules primarily to adopt provisions from Senate Enrolled Acts 58 and 71, Sixty-First Legislature of the State of Wyoming 2011 General Session, codified in the Environmental Quality Act at W.S. ยง 35-11-103(d), 35-11-103(h), 35-11-502(0) through (r), 35-11-523, 35-11-526, and 35-11-527. Specific information on the changes can be found in the Statement of Reasons.


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 1/8/2013Memo to EQC Re: Hearing Date RequestDoctor  
Archived 1/8/2013Public NoticeDoctor  
Archived 1/8/2013Signed Control Memo to GovernorDoctor  
Archived 1/8/2013Water & Waste Advisory Board TranscriptsDoctor  
Archived 1/8/2013Response to Advisory Board CommentsDoctor  
Archived 1/8/2013Notice of IntentDoctor  
Archived 1/8/2013Ch.1 ChangesDoctor  
Archived 1/8/2013Ch. 2 ChangesDoctor  
Archived 1/8/2013Ch. 7 ChangesDoctor  
Archived 1/8/2013Draft Statement of Principal ReasonsDoctor  
Archived 2/25/2013Comment - City of Cheyenne Public WorksDoctor  
Archived 2/25/2013Comment - Fremont County Solid Waste Disposal DivisionDoctor  
Archived 2/25/2013Comment - City of SundanceDoctor  
Archived 3/4/2013Response to Comment - City of Sundance, Fremont County, City of CheyenneDoctor  
Archived 3/14/2013Statement of Principal ReasonsSearle  

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