File Name: Strid Marble and Granite
EQC Docket Number: 12-4801
Date Opened: 4/12/2012
AG Attorney: Luke Esch
Prevailing Party: Respondent
Date of Disposition: 7/13/2012
Date File Closed: 7/17/2012
Archive Date: 3/26/2018
Archive Box:
City: Douglas
County: Converse
DEQ File Number: NA
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Non-Permit Holder Appeal
Hearing Examiner: Fairservis
Summary: Objection of the mining permit being requested from Strid Marble and Granite Company in Cheyenne to mine rock. The mining permit is adjacent to the County Road which is 8 miles of open range, and less than 100 yards from existing ranch buildings.
Final Hearing5/11/2012 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 4/12/2012Gfalkenburg.Objection LetterBrosius  
Archived 4/12/2012Public NoticeBrosius  
Archived 4/12/2012Mine Contact InformationBrosius  
Archived 4/12/2012Certified DEQ-LQD Response Letters to ObjectorsNuttbrock  
Archived 4/12/2012Objector List and AddressesNuttbrock  
Archived 4/13/2012Game and Fish Letter.4-13-12Nuttbrock  
Archived 4/17/2012Newspaper Notice.Casper StarEQC  
Archived 4/17/2012Newspaper Notice.Douglas BudgetEQC  
Archived 4/17/2012Notice of Hearing and OrderFairservis  
Archived 4/17/2012Motion for a More Definite StatementFreudenthal  
Archived 4/17/2012Motion to Strike Falkenburg LetterFreudenthal  
Archived 4/17/2012Game and Fish Email Memo.4-17-12Emerich  
Archived 4/26/2012Order of ScheduleFairservis  
Archived 5/2/2012Applicant's Specification of WitnessesFreudenthal  
Archived 5/4/2012Strid Marble & Granite Co. Response to ObjectionsFreudenthal  
Archived 5/4/2012Affidavit of Publication - Casper Star Tribune   
Archived 5/11/2012Applicant's Motion to Dismiss Certain ObjectorsFreudenthal  
Archived 7/17/2012Findings of Fact, Conlcusions of Law and OrderFairservis  

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