File Name: GECR,LLC
EQC Docket Number: 11-4804
Date Opened: 11/18/2011
AG Attorney: Esch
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 1/17/2012
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
County: Lincoln
DEQ File Number:
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Orders of DEQ Requiring Approval
Hearing Examiner: Coverdale
Summary: Objection to small mining permit applied for by GECR, LLC of Alpine,WY located in the Etna Community.
Final Hearing12/12/2011 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 11/18/2011LQD Response to Matz LetterNuttbrock  
Archived 11/18/2011Matz Objection LetterNuttbrock  
Archived 11/18/2011Public NoticeNuttbrock  
Archived 11/22/2011EQC 20 Day Objection LetterRuby  
Archived 11/22/2011Newspaper Notice.Casper StarWaring  
Archived 11/22/2011Newspaper Notice.Star Valley IndependentWaring  
Archived 11/23/2011Notice of Hearing and OrderCoverdale  
Archived 11/30/2011Order of HearingCoverdale  
Archived 12/5/2011Matz Clarification of IssuesMatz  
Archived 12/7/2011Matz Prehearing DisclosuresMatz  
Archived 12/7/2011DEQ Prehearing DisclosuresEsch  
Archived 12/7/2011GECR Prehearing DisclosureBower  
Archived 12/7/2011DEQ Digital Copy of Exhibit 1Esch  
Archived 12/8/2011GECR Motion for witness to appear by phoneBowers  
Archived 12/9/2011Matz Exhibit #2Matz  
Archived 1/17/2012Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and OrderCoverdale  

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