File Name: Fremont County SW Dist. Sand Draw Landfill
EQC Docket Number: 11-5601
Date Opened: 4/28/2011
AG Attorney:
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 6/7/2011
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
County: Fremont
DEQ File Number:
Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Case type: Permit Holders Appeal
Hearing Examiner: Coverdale
Summary: Fremont County Solid Waste Disposal District, respectfully requests that hearing be set in this matter to take testimony and review the permit application review filed in this matter, and following the hearing the the EQC issue a decision that vertical expansion over an existing waste area does not constitute a new cell/unit that must submit a performance based design which ensures that the concentration values for pollutants listed in the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, 40 CFR Part 141, will not be exceeded in the uppermost aquifer at the relevant point of compliance, issue an order directing the DEQ to review the Permit Renewal Application of Petitioner in light of that decision, and for such other and further relief as the EQC deems just and proper.
Final Hearing6/6/2011 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 4/28/2011Petition for Review of Review Determination for Application for Renewal or Permit and Request for HearingSollars  
Archived 4/28/2011Response OrderRuby  
Archived 5/12/2011DEQ's Motion to DismissWilliamson  
Archived 5/16/2011Amended Certificate of ServiceWilliamson  
Archived 5/18/2011Hearing OrderCoverdale  
Archived 6/2/2011DEQ's Motion to Dismiss for MootnessWilliamson  
Archived 6/3/2011Response to DEQ's Motion to Dismiss for MootnessSollars  
Archived 6/6/2011Order of Dismissal For MootnessCoverdale  

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