File Name: LQD - Chpts. 1,2,4,7,10,12,16-1BZ - Rulemaking
EQC Docket Number: 10-4101
Date Opened: 10/22/2010
AG Attorney:
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 1/13/2011
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
DEQ File Number:
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Rulemaking
Hearing Examiner:
Final Hearing1/13/2011 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 10/22/2010Advisory Board Minutes.11-17-08Hults  
Archived 10/22/2010Advisory Board Minutes.07-12-08Hults  
Archived 10/22/2010Statement of Principal ReasonsHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chpt.1.Clean CopyHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chpt. 2.Clean CopyHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chpt. 4. Clean CopyHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chpt. 7. Clean CopyHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chpt. 10. Clean CopyHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chpt. 12. Clean CopyHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chpt. 16. Clean CopyHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chapter 1.Strike and UnderlineHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chapter 2. Strike and UnderlineHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chapter 4. Strike and UnderlineHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chapter 7. Strike and UnderlineHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chapter 10.Strike and UnderlineHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chapter 12.Strike and UnderlineHults  
Archived 10/22/2010Chapter 16.Strike and UnderlineHults  
Archived 11/10/2010Public NoticeHults  
Archived 11/10/2010Notice of Intent to Adopt RulesHults  
Archived 12/1/2010Comments.Game and FishEmmerich  
Archived 1/14/2011Transcript of 1-14-11 RulemakingWRS  

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