File Name: Chapter 24, Class VI Underground Injection Control
EQC Docket Number: 10-3101
Date Opened: 4/12/2010
AG Attorney:
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 11/18/2010
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
DEQ File Number:
Division: Water Quality
Case type: Rulemaking
Hearing Examiner: Ogden
Summary: Proposal to develop and promulgate a new chapter of rules and regulations governing the geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide.
Final Hearing7/8/2010 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 4/12/2010DEQ's Proposed Statement of Principal ReasonsWagner  
Archived 4/12/2010Water Quality Rule PackageWagner  
Archived 4/12/2010Water and Waste Advisory Board Meeting Transcript.2-26-10Wagner  
Archived 4/12/2010Water and Waste Advisory Board Meeting Transcript.9-25-09Wagner  
Archived 4/12/2010Water and Waste Advisory Board Meeting Transcript.3-13-09Wagner  
Archived 6/11/2010Corra Letter for Adoption of RulesCorra  
Archived 6/11/2010Notice of Intent to Adopt Rules and RegulationsFrederick  
Archived 6/28/2010Comments.PRBRC.AndersonAnderson  
Archived 6/28/2010Comments.DoughertyDougherty  
Archived 6/28/2010Comments.C.DoughertyDougherty  
Archived 6/28/2010Comments.EPA   
Archived 6/28/2010Comments.D.KrugerKruger  
Archived 6/28/2010Comments.DRICornelius  
Archived 6/28/2010Comments.WOCJones  
Archived 7/13/2010Statement of Principal ReasonsGuschewsky  
Archived 7/23/2010Transcript of Rulemaking Hearing.7-8-10WRS  
Archived 8/16/2010Rule Transmittal MemoWagner  
Archived 8/16/2010Ch 24 Draft for EQC Hearing Sep 9 2010Wagner  
Archived 8/17/2010Rule Explanation MemoFrederick  
Archived 9/29/2010Transcript.Rules Decision.9-9-10WRS  
Archived 11/18/2010certification page.SOS ApprovalFrederick  

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