File Name: SALL Enterprises, LLC
EQC Docket Number: 10-3212A
Date Opened: 3/25/2010
AG Attorney:
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 11/23/2010
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
County: Lincoln
DEQ File Number: 4626-10
Division: Water Quality
Case type: Small Mine Permit (20 Day)
Hearing Examiner: Coverdale
Summary: Construction of a wastewater system consisting of a septic tank and leach field without a permit to construct.


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 3/25/2010NOV and OrderWagner  
Archived 3/25/2010Certified DEQ LetterWagner  
Archived 4/8/2010Shockey.Subpoena'sShockey  
Archived 4/8/2010Petition for Review-Appeal of Order-Rquest for HearingShockey  
Archived 4/8/2010Application For Issurance of SubpoenasShockey  
Archived 4/8/2010Email CorrespondenceShockey  
Archived 4/8/2010Notice of DepositionsShockey  
Archived 4/8/2010Response OrderFlitner  
Archived 4/22/2010Entry of Appearance.FodorFodor  
Archived 4/22/2010Memo of Telephone Conference Call.Shockey-FodorRuby  
Archived 4/22/2010Town of Alpine's Motion to InterveneFodor  
Archived 4/23/2010SALL's Motion to Strike Motion for Protective OrderShockey  
Archived 4/23/2010Town of Alpine's Motion for a Protective Order Quashing the Subpoena For Deposition of Mayor DeCora and Prohibiting the Deposition of Mayor DeCoraFodor  
Archived 4/23/2010Exhibit A and B.Motion for Protective Order.FodorFodor  
Archived 4/29/2010Hearing OrderFlitner  
Archived 5/7/2010SALL's Objection to Town of Alpine's Motion to InterveneShockey  
Archived 5/10/2010Response of the DEQ-WQDBurbridge  
Archived 6/23/2010Scheduling OrderCoverdale  
Archived 6/30/2010DEQ's Waiver of Court Reporter for Pre-hearing ConferenceBurbridge  
Archived 7/8/2010Order of ScheduleCoverdale  
Archived 7/13/2010Order Granting Town of Alpine's Motion to InterveneGuschewsky  
Archived 7/20/2010Town of Alpine's Objection to Issurance of DEQ Permit and Rejection of Settlement AgreementFodor  
Archived 7/27/2010Joint Stipulation for Withdrawal and Dismissal of Appeal Without Prejudice with AttachmentBurbridge-Shockey  
Archived 8/31/2010DEQ's Response to the "Town of Alpine's Objection to Issuance of DEQ Permit and Rejection of Settlement Agreement"Burbridge  
Archived 8/31/2010Entry of AppearanceEsch  
Archived 8/31/2010John Burbridge's Motion to Withdraw as CounselBurbridge  
Archived 9/1/2010Order Granting John Burbridge's Motion to Withdaw as CounselCoverdale  
Archived 9/1/2010Order of HearingCoverdale  
Archived 9/1/2010Order Denying ExtensionCoverdale  
Archived 9/15/2010Motion to DismissShockey  
Archived 9/16/2010Town of Alpine's Response to SALL's Motion to DismissFodor  
Archived 9/16/2010Application for Issuance of SubpoenasShockey  
Archived 9/29/2010Transcript.Hearing.9-9-10WRS  
Archived 9/30/2010Petitioner's Motion to Quash Subpoenas and for Protective Order; and Memorandum in SupportFodor  
Archived 11/23/2010Order Dismissing Appeal Without PrejudiceCoverdale  

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