File Name: James J. Pace & Peter & Bonnie Moore
EQC Docket Number: 10-3207A
Date Opened: 3/15/2010
AG Attorney:
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 10/18/2011
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
County: Converse
DEQ File Number: 4631-10
Division: Water Quality
Case type: Small Mine Permit (20 Day)
Hearing Examiner: Coverdale
Summary: This NOV and Order was issued to Jim Pace, Peter Moore and Bonnie Smith-Moore for the construction, installation, modifying or operation of any Public Water Supply System and any Sewerage System without permits which is a violation of WY Statues. In addition, this facility discharged waste without a permit which is a violation. Lastly, Grasslands MHP also operated a distribution system without the supervision of certified personnel, which is a violation.
Final Hearing5/12/2011 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 4/29/2001Prehearing OrderCoverdale  
Archived 3/15/2010Certified DEQ LetterWagner  
Archived 3/15/2010NOV and OrderWagner  
Archived 3/25/2010Appeal Letter.3-25-10Pace  
Archived 3/26/2010Response OrderFlitner  
Archived 3/26/2010Notice of Appeal and Request for HearingBondi  
Archived 4/26/2010DEQ's Response to the Moores' PetitionBarrash  
Archived 4/26/2010DEQ's Response to the Pace's PetitionBarrash  
Archived 5/21/2010Stipulation Extending Moores' Time Within Which to Answer First and Second Combined Discovery Requests from DEQBarrash-Bondi  
Archived 5/24/2010Order Granting Extension of Time for the Moores to Respond to Discovery RequestsCoverdale  
Archived 6/8/2010Entry of Appearance.HardeeHardee  
Archived 6/23/2010Scheduling OrderCoverdale  
Archived 7/1/2010Joint Waiver of Reporting of Pre-Hearing ConferenceBondi-Barrash-Hardee  
Archived 7/8/2010Order of ScheduleCoverdale  
Archived 9/24/2010DEQ Staff Witness ListBarrash  
Archived 11/5/2010Stipulation to Modify Prehearing ScheduleBondi-Hardee-Barrash  
Archived 11/5/2010Proposed Order Modifying Prehearing ScheduleBondi-Hardee-Barrash  
Archived 11/10/2010Order Modifying Prehearing ScheduleCoverdale  
Archived 3/17/2011Notice of HearingCoverdale  
Archived 3/24/2011Prehearing Contact Information Letter.BondiBondi  
Archived 4/25/2011Prehearing Memorandum.BondiBondi  
Archived 4/25/2011Prehearing Memorandum.DEQBarrash  
Archived 4/25/2011Prehearing Memorandum.PaceHardee  
Archived 4/25/2011Prehearing Exhibits.PaceHardee  
Archived 4/29/2011Prehearing OrderCoverdale  
Archived 5/2/2011DEQ's Possible Objection to Term in Prehearing OrderBarrash  
Archived 5/17/2011Order on Submission of Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and OrderCoverdale  
Archived 6/6/2011Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law & OrderBarrash  
Archived 6/20/2011Moore's Ojbection to the DEQ's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and OrderBondi  
Archived 7/20/2011Draft Revised Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and OrderBarrash  
Archived 10/18/2011Findings of Fact Conclusions of Law and OrderCoverdale  

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