File Name: 2M Construction Inc., TFN 5 6/053
EQC Docket Number: 09-4804
Date Opened: 6/30/2009
AG Attorney: Burbridge
Prevailing Party: Respondent
Date of Disposition: 8/28/2009
Date File Closed: 8/28/2009
Archive Date: 5/18/2017
Archive Box:
City: Riverton
County: Fremont
DEQ File Number: na
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Orders of DEQ Requiring Approval
Hearing Examiner: Guschewsky
Summary: Letter of Objection received from Lloyd & Nancy Eckstein. They objected on several levels. Archaeology study of the area….want a study on impact of vibration from mining to local area wells…...questions plans to reclaim land plan to keep water from standing to keep control mosquitoes and other flying insects…..plan to restore the area once the minng is done with an area to keep down dirt and dust from the air…Safety issues with the truck traffic from in and out of the site and over full loads dropping on the grounds near the houses….plans on how to handle keeping wild life from the dig site….and is there a plan to maintain and contain spills from equipment and fuel leaks.
Final Hearing9/1/2009 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
6/30/2009Eckstein Objection LetterEcksteinPleadingAccepted
6/30/2009Public NoticeMcKenziePublic NoticeAccepted
6/30/2009Certified DEQ LetterMcKenzieLettersAccepted
8/17/2009Fowler.Objection LetterFowlerPleadingAccepted
8/19/2009EQC 20 Day Letter.Eckstein.08-19-09RubyLettersAccepted
Archived 8/19/2009EQC 20 Day Letter.Fowler.08-19-09Ruby  
8/19/2009Notice of Hearing and OrderGuschewskyOrderAccepted
8/24/20092M Construction Pre-hearing Notification LetterCunninghamPleadingAccepted
8/25/20092M Construction Pre-hearing DisclosuresCunninghamPleadingAccepted
8/25/2009DEQ's Pre-hearing DisclosuresBurbridgePleadingAccepted
8/25/2009DEQ's Waiver of Court Reporter for Pre-hearing ConferenceBurbridgePleadingAccepted
8/25/2009DEQ's Pre-hearing Disclosures.Exhibit 2BurbridgePleadingAccepted
8/28/2009Order of DismissalGuschewskyOrderAccepted

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