File Name: 2M Construction
EQC Docket Number: 09-4802
Date Opened: 4/2/2009
AG Attorney: Burbridge
Prevailing Party: Petitioner
Date of Disposition: 6/15/2009
Date File Closed: 6/15/2009
Archive Date: 5/10/2017
Archive Box:
City: Riverton
County: Fremont
DEQ File Number: TFN 5 6/053
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Orders of DEQ Requiring Approval
Hearing Examiner: NA
Summary: Objection to Mining Permit. Objectors are asking that the following issues be taken care of: 1)Fix the road that they are destroying, 2)slow down no more use of Jake brakes, 3)do something about all the dust from the roads, 4) set up a fund for the damages for the property damage from having to re-level all the homes and replace windows and other damages that may occur.


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
4/2/2009LQD Reply to Eckstein LetterMcKenziePleadingAccepted
4/2/2009Eckstein Objection LetterMcKenziePleadingAccepted
4/2/20092M Public NoticeMcKenziePublic NoticeAccepted
4/8/2009Fowler Objection LetterMcKenziePleadingAccepted
4/8/2009LQD Fowler Response LetterMcKenziePleadingAccepted
4/14/2009LQD Response to Anderson ObjectionMcKenziePleadingAccepted
4/14/2009Anderson Objection Ltr.McKenziePleadingAccepted
4/21/2009EQC 20 Day Letter.EcksteinRubyPleadingAccepted
4/21/2009EQC 20 Day Letter.FowlerRubyPleadingAccepted
4/21/2009EQC 20 Day Letter.AndersonRubyPleadingAccepted
4/21/2009Notice of Hearing and OrderGuschewskyPleadingAccepted
4/22/2009DEQ's Waiver of Court Reporter for Pre-hearing ConferenceBurbridgePleadingAccepted
4/23/20092M Construction's Pre-hearing DisclosuresCunninghamPleadingAccepted
4/24/2009DEQ's Pre-hearing DisclosuresBurbridgePleadingAccepted
4/27/2009Comment Letter.Fowler.4-27-09FowlerPleadingAccepted
6/15/2009Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Decision and OrderGuschewskyOrderAccepted


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
5/1/2009EQC01 Final ExhibitAccepted

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