File Name: Frontier Refining Inc.
EQC Docket Number: 06-5400
Date Opened: 10/17/2006
AG Attorney: Barrash
Prevailing Party: Party Settled
Date of Disposition: 11/30/2007
Date File Closed: 11/30/2007
Archive Date: 1/27/2016
Archive Box:
City: Cheyenne
County: Laramie
DEQ File Number: RCRA 3008(h)-VIII-88-08
Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Case type: Orders of the Director's for Council's approval
Hearing Examiner: Moore
Summary: Frontier and the DEQ respectfully request that the EQC enter an Order approving the Joint Stipulation for Modification of the Administrative Order on Consent and incorporate it into the AOC by reference.


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
10/17/2006Joint Motion to Approve Joint Stipulation for Modification of Administrative Order on ConsentDavisonPleadingAccepted
Archived 10/30/2006Motion for Pro Hac Vice with Exhibit ADavison  
Archived 2/8/2007Order Granting Admission Pro Hac ViceGordon  
2/8/2007Final Administrative Order on Consent PleadingAccepted
2/12/2007Motion of Arp & Hammond Hardware Co. for Leave to Intervene and to Supplement Joint Stipulation for Modification of Administrative Order on ConsentWiederspahnPleadingAccepted
Archived 2/12/2007Wiederspahn.Exhibit AWiederspahn  
Archived 2/12/2007Wiederspahn.Appendix AWiederspahn  
Archived 2/12/2007Wiederspahn.Appendix BWiederspahn  
Archived 2/12/2007Wiederspahn.Appendix CWiederspahn  
Archived 2/12/2007Wiederspahn.Appendix DWiederspahn  
Archived 2/12/2007Wiederspahn.Attachment 1Wiederspahn  
Archived 2/15/2007DEQ's Request to Reinstate Item on EQC Meeting AgendaBarrash  
3/2/2007Opposition of Frontier Refining Inc. to Motion of Arp & Hammond Hardware Company for Leave to Intervene and to Supplement Joint Stipulation for ModifiGuidaPleadingAccepted
3/5/2007DEQ's Response to Arp & Hammond Hardware Company's Motion to Intervene and to Supplement AOCBarrashPleadingAccepted
Archived 3/14/2007Reply of Arp & Hammond Hardware Co. to the Opposition of Frontier Refining Inc. and the Response of the DEQ's for Leave to Intervene and to Supp. JoinWiederspahn  
Archived 3/14/2007Exhibit A.Frontier Refining.3-14-07Wiederspahn  
Archived 3/14/2007Exhibit B.Frontier Refining.3-14-07Wiederspahn  
Archived 3/14/2007Attachment A.Frontier Refining.3-14-07Wiederspahn  
Archived 4/13/2007DEQ's Request for Oral Argument on Arp & Hammond Hardware Co.'s Motion to InterveneBarrash  
Archived 5/29/2007Order Setting Motion HearingMoore  
Archived 6/7/2007DEQ's Supplemental Memo Regarding Arp & Hammond Hardware ReplyBarrash  
Archived 6/8/2007Resistance to Objection and Motion to Strike Supplemental Filing of Comments to Frontier's Proposed Remediation PlanWiederspahn  
Archived 6/8/2007Arp & Hammond's Objection and Motion to Strike or, Alternatively, Respond to DEQ's Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Arp & Hammond Hardware Company's Wiederspahn  
Archived 6/8/2007Objection and Motion to Strike Supplemental Filing of Comments to Frontier Refining's Proposed Remediation PlanDavison  
Archived 6/11/2007Exhibit 1.Letter to John CorraWilkenfeld  
Archived 6/11/2007Exhibit 2.Letter to Lily BarkauWilkenfeld  
Archived 6/11/2007Exhibit 3.Letter to Lily BarkauWilkenfeld  
Archived 8/3/2007Party Letter.8-3-07Girardin  
Archived 8/7/2007Wiederspahn Letter.8-7-07Wiederspahn  
Archived 8/10/2007Status Report of Frontier Refining Inc. In Response to Presiding Officer's RequestGuida  
Archived 8/10/2007Requested Submittal on Joint Motion to Approve Joint Stipulation for Modification of Administrative Order on ConsentWiederspahn  
Archived 8/10/2007DEQ's UpdateBarrash  
Archived 8/24/2007AG Opinion LetterCrank,Hubbard,Hill  
11/30/2007Order Approving Joint Motion to Approve Joint Stipulation for Modification of Administrative Order on ConsentMooreOrderAccepted

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