File Name: Appeal and Rev.-Yates Petroleum
EQC Docket Number: 06-3801
Date Opened: 1/27/2006
AG Attorney: Barrash
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 5/11/2006
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
County: Johnson
DEQ File Number:
Division: Water Quality
Case type: Citizen objection to a mine permit or decision of the Director
Hearing Examiner: Moore
Summary: Party to this Appeal - Adami Ranch LLC - The Yates proposal does not address the impact of coalbed methane discharge water on livestock production. The Water budget calculations are grossly under-reported. Water infiltrating from the containment pond through an unsaturated zone will result in violation of ground water standards. Said property owner is aggrieved by the action of DEQ in issuing WYPDES Permit WY0052850


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 1/27/2006Petition for Review, Notice of Appeal and Request for Contested Case HearingKirven  
Archived 3/1/2006Appeal Order   
Archived 3/7/2006Phone Call from Matt JoyGirardin  
Archived 3/29/2006DEQ's Response   
Archived 3/29/2006Yates-Notice of Appearance, Notice of Appeal,Motion to Intervene,Req. of HearingJoy  
Archived 4/6/2006Intervention Order sent   
Archived 4/25/2006Stipulation for Dismissal with PrejudiceKirven  
Archived 4/25/2006Order of DismissalKirven,Hiser,Burbridge  
Archived 5/8/2006Statement of SettlementBurbridge  
Archived 5/8/2006Notice of AppearanceHiser  
Archived 5/11/2006Order of Dismissal   

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