File Name: Buckskin Mining Permit
EQC Docket Number: 05-4803
Date Opened: 7/7/2005
AG Attorney: Burbridge
Prevailing Party: Respondent
Date of Disposition: 9/14/2005
Date File Closed: 9/19/2005
Archive Date: 3/16/2015
Archive Box:
City: Gillette
County: Campbell
DEQ File Number: 500-TS, TFN4/4173
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Citizen objection to a mine permit or decision of the Director
Hearing Examiner: Gordon
Summary: Majestic Petroleum Operations, LLC filed an objection to the DEQ authorization to the Buckskin Mining company Permit Transfer of Permit 500-TS, TFN4/4173


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 7/1/2005Objection of Majestic Petroleum Operations LLCDumbrill  
Archived 7/11/2005Entry of AppearanceFox  
7/11/2005Motion to DismissFoxPleadingAccepted
Archived 7/11/2005Motion to Expedite Discovery ResponsesFox  
Archived 7/11/2005Petition for Leave to InterveneFox  
Archived 7/20/2005Objection to Majestic's Motion & Requesting StayFox  
Archived 7/22/2005Resp. to Obj. to Majestic's Motion ContestingDumbrill  
8/11/2005Notice of Dismissal Without PrejudiceDumbrillPleadingAccepted
9/19/2005Order of DismissalGordonOrderAccepted

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