File Name: Ken Harvey Rabbit Pit
EQC Docket Number: 04-2801
Date Opened: 10/1/2004
AG Attorney: Vehr
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 4/28/2006
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
County: Hot Springs
DEQ File Number:
Division: Air Quality
Case type: Citizen objection to a mine permit or decision of the Director
Hearing Examiner: Hutchinson
Summary: This case concerns an exempt gravel pit DEQ has required obtain an Air Quality permit. 2 landowners have objected to the permit. The issue appears to be the amount of dust leaving the pit.
Final Hearing6/28/2005 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 10/1/2004Letter of AppealGalovich  
Archived 10/5/2004Letter to EQC, Corra, OlsonCrane  
Archived 5/11/2005Respondent WY DEQ's Motion to Dismiss AppealVehr  
Archived 5/20/2005Letter requesting dismissal (pre-hearing memo)Harvey  
Archived 5/20/2005Respondent WY DEQ's prehearing memorandumVehr  
Archived 5/23/2005Entry of ApperanceHill for Godwin  
Archived 5/23/2005Prehearing Memorandum of ProtestantsHill for Godwin  
Archived 5/27/2005Response of Protestants Gary & Sharon Crane to ResGodwin  
Archived 6/2/2005WY DEQ's Reply to Gary & Sharon Crane's ResponseVehr  
Archived 6/13/2005Notice of Deposition Duces TecumGodwin  
Archived 6/13/2005Joint Stipulation of Issue, Facts & ExhibitGodwin, Harvey, Vehr  
Archived 6/13/2005Amended Witness and Exhibit List of ProtestantsGodwin  
Archived 6/15/2005First Amended Notice of Deposition Duces TecumGodwin  
Archived 6/15/2005Letter, Vehr to Council - original signature pages   
Archived 6/20/2005Supplemental Submission of Protestants Gary & SharGodwin  
Archived 6/21/2005WY DEQ's Motion to Strike Supplemental SubmissionVehr  
Archived 7/21/2005Continuance of Hearing and OrderHutchinson  
Archived 9/26/2005DEQ's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions ofVehr  
Archived 9/27/2005Stipulated Order Extending Deadline for ProtestantGodwin  
Archived 10/3/2005Permitee' Proposed Findings of Fact and ConclusionWilliams  
Archived 10/10/2005Protestants' Prop. Find. Of Fact, Conclus. Of LawGodwin  

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