File Name: Off Channel Containment Units
EQC Docket Number: 02-3802
Date Opened: 6/19/2002
AG Attorney: Barrash
Prevailing Party: Party Settled
Date of Disposition: 9/14/2005
Date File Closed: 9/14/2005
Archive Date: 3/11/2015
Archive Box:
City: Cheyenne
County: Laramie
DEQ File Number: none
Division: Water Quality
Case type: Citizen objection to a mine permit or decision of the Director
Hearing Examiner: Brady
Summary: * WOC filed objections to a general permit because it believes the general permit and the guidelines are rules and should have been promulgated by the EQC.


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 6/18/2002Email, Jones to Lorenzon re: Filing of Petition   
Archived 6/19/2002Petition for Review of General Permits for OffJones  
Archived 10/7/2002Petitioners' First Requset for Production of DocsJones  
Archived 10/28/2002Petitioners' First Set of InterrogatoriesJones  
3/4/2003Petroleum Association of Wyoming's Motion to InterPalma, LongPleadingAccepted
4/1/2003Order (granting motion to intervene)SimsOrderAccepted
Archived 5/8/2003The Petroleum Association of Wyoming's Motion SJPalma, Long  
Archived 5/8/2003The Petroleum Association of Wyoming's Brief in SuPalma, Long  
Archived 5/27/2003Pettioners' Motion for Enlargement of TimeJones  
Archived 6/5/2003Order Granting Petitioners' Motion for EnlargementDunn  
Archived 7/1/2003Email, Jones to EQC, Response to PAW Motion for SJ   
Archived 7/2/2003Petitioners' Response to Petroleum AssociationJones  
Archived 7/13/2003The Petroleum Association of WY's Motion for EnlarPalma, Long  
Archived 7/25/2003Petitoners' Response to PAW's Motion for EnlargemeJones  
Archived 7/29/2003Order granting PAW's Motion for Enlargment of TimeSims  
Archived 8/1/2003The PAW's Reply Brief in Support of DEQ's decisionPalma, Long  
10/4/2004Order Setting Hearing on the MJSSimsOrderAccepted
Archived 10/21/2004Joint Motion to Continue Hearing on Intervenor'sColgan, Jones, Palma  
Archived 6/13/2005Joint Motion and Stipulation for Withdrawal & DismJones, Corra, Wagner, Barrash, Palma  
Archived 9/19/2005Order Approving Jt. Motion & Stipul. For W'drawlBrady  

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