File Name: In The Matter Of DEQ's Decision On Brook Mining Company, LLC's Permit Application
EQC Docket Number: 17-4601
Date Opened: 11/9/2017
AG Attorney: James Kaste
Prevailing Party: Respondent
Date of Disposition: 10/27/2020
Date File Closed: 3/2/2021
Archive Date: 8/29/2023
Archive Box:
City: Sheridan
County: Sheridan
DEQ File Number: TFN 6 2/025
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Permit Holders Appeal
Hearing Examiner: Bagley
Summary: Brook Mine appeals the DEQ's decision to deny Brook's surface coal mine permit(TFN 6 2/025) without prejudice. The Council denied this permit in 17-4802 and the decision letter attaches a copy of that Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Order dated 9-28-2017.
Scheduling conference12/15/2017 1:30:00 PMBoard of Equalization Board Room Herschler building Cheyenne


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
11/13/2017Petition for Hearing to Contest the Department of Environmental Quality Director's Decision to Deny Brook Mining Company, LLC's Permit Application WitJoe GirardinPleadingAccepted
11/14/2017Brook Mining Company, LLC's Motion to Stay Petition for HearingJeff PopePleadingAccepted
11/14/2017Proposed Order Staying ProceedingsJeff PopePleadingAccepted
11/14/2017Jeff Pope agreed to receive service by emailJeff PopeEmail Service AgreementAccepted
12/7/2017Scheduling OrderJim RubyOrderAccepted
12/27/2017Order Staying ProceedingsIsaac SutphinOrderAccepted
12/27/2017Isaac Sutphin agreed to receive service by emailIsaac SutphinEmail Service AgreementAccepted
12/28/2017Signed Order for StayJim RubyOrderAccepted
1/12/2018Order for Stay certificate of serviceJim RubyOrderAccepted
4/16/2018Motion to Withdraw as CounselAndrew KuhlmannPleadingAccepted
4/16/2018Proposed Order Granting Motion to WithdrawAndrew KuhlmannPleadingAccepted
4/16/2018Entry of AppearanceAndrew KuhlmannPleadingAccepted
4/16/2018Andrew Kuhlmann agreed to receive service by emailAndrew KuhlmannEmail Service AgreementAccepted
4/16/2018James Kaste agreed to receive service by emailJames KasteEmail Service AgreementAccepted
4/20/2018Order Granting WithdrawalJim RubyOrderAccepted
4/24/2018Certificate of Service for Order Granting Motion to WithdrawJim RubyOrderAccepted
10/27/2020Joint Motion to Dismiss Hearing RequestJames KastePleadingAccepted
10/27/2020Draft Order Dismissing Hearing RequestJames KastePleadingAccepted
10/27/2020Certificate of Service(Removed)James KasteCertificate of ServiceRemoved
3/2/2021Order of DismissalJim RubyOrderAccepted
3/2/2021Certificate of ServiceJim RubyCertificate of ServiceAccepted

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