File Name: R28 WDEQ-AQD Rule Package Chapter 14
EQC Docket Number: 17-2101
Date Opened: 8/14/2017
AG Attorney: Allison Kvien
Prevailing Party: Petitioner
Date of Disposition: 4/4/2018
Date File Closed: 4/4/2018
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
City: State wide
County: State wide
DEQ File Number: R28
Division: Air Quality
Case type: Rulemaking
Hearing Examiner: Lally
Summary: The proposed rulemaking will involve revision the WAQSR Chapter 14, Sections 3 and 5. Chapter 14, Emission Trading Program Regulations, Section 5, Incorporation by reference, will be updated to adopt by reference from the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for July 1, 2017. Chapter 14, Emission Trading Program Regulations, Section 3, Sulfur dioxide milestone inventory, is being updated to include Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s new sulfur dioxide emissions reporting. Basin Electric requests to amend requirements to report its sulfur dioxide emissions for Units 1 and 2 under the 309 Program (40 CFR §51.309) using the emission rates applicable to those Units during the 2001-2003 BART baseline period. This change ensures that the sulfur dioxide emissions reductions obtained under the Settlement Agreement with Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the State of Wyoming are no longer counted as reductions under the 309 Program. Specifically, Basin Electric must use the annual average SO2 emission rates of 0.159 lb/MMBtu for Laramie River Unit 1 and 0.162 lb/MMBtu for Laramie River Unit 2, reflecting actual emissions in 2001 to 2003, and multiply those rates by the actual annual heat input for each unit to calculate and report emissions under the 309 Program. Chapter 14, Sections 3 and 5 involve revisions to the State Implementation Plan (SIP). The Division will submit these SIP revisions to the Environmental Protection Agency.
Public Hearing12/6/2017 2:30:00 PMRoom 1699 Herschler Building, 122 West 25th St. Cheyenne Wy 82009
Public Hearing12/5/2017 2:30:00 PMRoom 1699 Herschler Building, 122 West 25th St. Cheyenne Wy 82009


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
8/14/2017Darion Donnelly agreed to receive service by emailDarion DonnellyEmail Service AgreementAccepted
9/7/2017R28 - Proposed Statement of Principal ReasonsDarion DonnellyStatement of Principal ReasonAccepted
9/7/2017R28 - Memo to GovernorDarion DonnellyMemo to GovernorAccepted
9/7/2017R28 - AG Statutory Authority ReviewDarion DonnellyOtherAccepted
9/7/2017R28 - Takings ChecklistDarion DonnellyTaking AnalysisAccepted
9/7/2017R28 - WAQSR Ch. 14 (Clean) - 5-16-17 draftDarion DonnellyClean ChapterAccepted
9/7/2017R28 - WAQSR Ch. 14 (Strike and Underline) - 5-16-17Darion DonnellyStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
9/7/2017R28 - AQAB Meeting Transcript (7-17-17)Darion DonnellyAdvisory Board TranscriptAccepted
9/28/2017Memo Requesting RulemakingJoe GirardinMemo Requesting RulemakingAccepted
9/28/2017Notice of Intent to Adopt RulesJoe GirardinNotice of Intent to Adopt RulesAccepted
9/28/2017Notice of Intent to Adopt Rules(Removed)Joe GirardinNotice of Intent to Adopt RulesRemoved
10/10/2017EQC Public Notice - 10-10-17Darion DonnellyPublic NoticeAccepted
10/10/2017R28 EQC IndexDarion DonnellyOtherAccepted
10/12/2017Notice of Intent to Adopt Rules (Final)Darion DonnellyNotice of Intent to Adopt RulesAccepted
11/21/2017Pat Day - Basin Electric Power Cooperative PresentationDarion DonnellyOtherAccepted
12/4/2017Air Quality Division Response to CommentsDarion DonnellyCommentsAccepted
12/4/2017Comment Period ExtensionDarion DonnellyPublic NoticeAccepted
12/4/2017Index - Updated 12-4-17Darion DonnellyOtherAccepted
12/4/2017Index - Updated 12-4-17(Removed)Darion DonnellyOtherRemoved
12/7/2017Signed SOPRJim RubyStatement of Principal ReasonAccepted
12/7/2017Sign in SheetJim RubyOtherAccepted
4/4/2018Notice of Final AdoptionDarion DonnellyMemosAccepted
4/4/2018R28 Cert PageDarion DonnellyCertification PageAccepted
4/4/2018Chapter 14 FinalDarion DonnellyClean ChapterAccepted

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