File Name: In Re High Plains Gas, Inc
EQC Docket Number: 17-3201
Date Opened: 7/14/2017
AG Attorney: Andrew Kuhlmann
Prevailing Party: Party Settled
Date of Disposition: 8/1/2017
Date File Closed: 8/1/2017
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
City: Gillette
County: Campbell
DEQ File Number: 5394-14
Division: Water Quality
Case type: NOV & Order if Docket Ends with A it's been appeal
Hearing Examiner: Lally
Summary: This case was closed because the Water Quality Division sent the NOV and Order to us prior to when they wanted to. High Plains is in violation of UIC General Permits 5C5-l and 5C5-3, Part IV, Section (B.)(1.), which require all operators covered by these permits to record the volume of water injected into each well covered by General Permits 5C5-l and 5C5-3 on a monthly basis and report these volumes to the UIC Program on a quarterly basis. High Plains has not submitted any injection volume data to the UIC Program since July, 2012. High Plains is in violation of UIC General Permits 5C5-1 and 5C5-3, Pm1 IV, Section (B.)(2.), which requires all operators covered by these permits to monitor the quality of the injected fluid by collecting samples for various parameters, submitting the samples collected for laboratory analysis, and submitting the results of these analyses to the UIC Program on a quarterly basis. High Plains has not submitted any injectate analyses to the UIC Program since July, 2012. High Plains is in violation of UIC General Permits 5C5-1 and 5C5-3, Part IV, Section (B.)(3.), which requires all operators covered by these permits to perform periodic tests (once every five (5) years) to determine whether mechanical integrity is being maintained at the injection wells and to submit the results to the UIC Program. Various injection wells (denoted with a "*" on ATTACHMENT "A") are in violation of mechanical integrity reporting.
Hearing to Approve Order8/2/2017 9:00:00 AMRoom 1699 Herschler Bldg, 122 West 25th St, Cheyenne WY 82002


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
7/14/2017NOV and ORDERJim RubyPleadingAccepted

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