File Name: DEQ Rules of Practice and Procedure
EQC Docket Number: 16-1101
Date Opened: 9/1/2016
AG Attorney: Elizabeth Morrisseau
Prevailing Party: Party Settled
Date of Disposition: 5/3/2017
Date File Closed: 5/3/2017
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
City: State wide
County: State wide
DEQ File Number: DEQ Rules of Practice and Procedure Chapters 1-7,
Division: Council Actions
Case type: Rulemaking
Hearing Examiner: Lally
Summary: The proposed revisions affect Rules of Practice and Procedure Chapters 1-7 and 9. The proposed revisions include repealing Chapter 4 in its entirety, repealing Chapter 6 and replace it with a new Chapter 9, and adopting as much the uniform contested case rules developed by Wyoming Office of Administrative Hearings as is consistent with the specific and distinct requirements of WDEQ and EQC and state or federal law governing or applicable to WDEQ and EQC, in accordance with W.S. 16-3-103(j). The proposed revisions also update and clarify requirements applicable to rulemaking, petitions for award of costs and expenses under W.S. 35-11-437(f), director review involving surface coal mining operations, hearings before the department, and very rare or uncommon areas.


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
9/1/2016Permission to Proceed with Rulemaking, Rules of Practice and ProcedureGina ThompsonMemo to GovernorAccepted
9/1/2016Gina Thompson agreed to receive service by emailGina ThompsonEmail Service AgreementAccepted
9/9/2016Rules of Practice and Procedure EQC Hearing ReqeustGina ThompsonMemo Requesting RulemakingAccepted
9/9/2016Notice of Intent to Adopt RulesGina ThompsonNotice of Intent to Adopt RulesAccepted
9/9/2016Statement of Principal Reasons for Rules of Practice and ProcedureGina ThompsonProposed Statement of Principal ReasonsAccepted
9/9/2016Public Notice Rules of Practice and ProcedureGina ThompsonNotice of Public HearingAccepted
9/9/2016Takings Analysis and Checklist Chapter 1Gina ThompsonTaking AnalysisAccepted
9/9/2016Takings Analysis and Checklist Chapter 2Gina ThompsonTaking AnalysisAccepted
9/9/2016Takings Analysis and Checklist Chapter 3Gina ThompsonTaking AnalysisAccepted
9/9/2016Takings Analysis and Checklist Chapter 4Gina ThompsonTaking AnalysisAccepted
9/9/2016Takings Analysis and Checklist Chapter 5Gina ThompsonTaking AnalysisAccepted
9/9/2016Takings Analysis and Checklist Chapter 6Gina ThompsonTaking AnalysisAccepted
9/9/2016Takings Analysis and Checklist Chapter 7Gina ThompsonTaking AnalysisAccepted
9/9/2016Takings Analysis and Checklist Chapter 9Gina ThompsonTaking AnalysisAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 1 CleanGina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 1 Strike/UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 2 CleanGina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 2 Strike/UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 3 CleanGina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 3 Strike/UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 4 CleanGina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 4 Strike/UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 5 CleanGina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 5 Strike/UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 6 CleanGina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 6 Strike/UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 7 CleanGina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 7 Strike/UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 9 CleanGina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Chapter 9 Strike/UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
9/9/2016Attorney General Statutory Authority ReviewGina ThompsonOtherAccepted
9/9/20166/29/16 Joint Advisory Board Meeting TranscriptGina ThompsonAdvisory Board TranscriptAccepted
9/9/2016Comments Received for 6/29/16 Joint Advisory Board MeetingGina ThompsonAdvisory Board CommentAccepted
9/9/2016Responses to 6/29/16 Written and Electronic CommentsGina ThompsonOtherAccepted
10/24/2016Comments from PRBRC for ROPP Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9Gina ThompsonComment on Proposed RuleAccepted
11/4/2016Notice of Extended Public CommentGina ThompsonPublic NoticeAccepted
1/19/2017Chapter 1 1-19-17Gina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
1/19/2017Chapter 1 1-19-17 Strike UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
1/19/2017Response to Comments Close Date 12-23-17Gina ThompsonOtherAccepted
1/19/2017Chapter 2 1-19-17 CleanGina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
1/19/2017Chapter 2 1-19-17 Strike UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
1/19/2017Chapter 3 1-19-17 Strike UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
1/19/2017Chapter 5 1-19-17 Strike UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
1/19/2017Chapter 7 1-19-17 Strike UnderlineGina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
1/19/2017Chapter 7 1-19-17 Strike Underline(Removed)Gina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterRemoved
1/23/2017Sign in SheetJim RubyOtherAccepted
2/10/2017Public Hearing TranscriptJim RubyTranscriptAccepted
3/2/2017Memo--Amended Proposed rulesGina ThompsonOtherAccepted
3/2/2017Summary of Changes and CorrectionsGina ThompsonOtherAccepted
3/2/2017Chapter 1 Clean 3-2-17Gina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
3/2/2017Chapter 1 Strike and Underline 3-2-17Gina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
3/2/2017Chapter 2 Clean 3-2-17Gina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
3/2/2017Chapter 2 Strike and Underline 3-2-17Gina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
3/2/2017Chapter 3 Clean 3-2-17Gina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
3/2/2017Chapter 3 Strike and Underline 3-2-17Gina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
3/2/2017Chapter 5 Strike and Underline 3-2-17Gina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
3/2/2017Chapter 7 Strike and Underline 3-2-17Gina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
3/2/2017Chapter 9 Clean 3-2-17Gina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
3/2/2017Chapter 9 Strike and Underline 3-2-17Gina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
3/22/2017Chapter 2 Clean 3-22-17Gina ThompsonClean ChapterAccepted
3/22/2017Chapter 2 Strike and Underline 3-22-17Gina ThompsonStrike and Underline ChapterAccepted
3/22/2017Signed Statement of Principal ReasonsJim RubyStatement of Principal ReasonAccepted
5/3/2017Memo Notice of Final AdoptionGina ThompsonOtherAccepted
5/3/2017Certification PageGina ThompsonCertification PageAccepted

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