File Name: In Re Welty's Service
EQC Docket Number: 15-5207
Date Opened: 8/28/2015
AG Attorney: Kelly Shaw
Prevailing Party: Respondent
Date of Disposition: 3/2/2016
Date File Closed: 3/4/2016
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
City: Dubois
County: Fremont
DEQ File Number: 5605-15
Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Case type: NOV & Order if Docket Ends with A it's been appeal
Hearing Examiner: NA
Summary: Sites where tanks have been removed or abandoned in accordance with any government regulations effective at the time of abandonment may become eligible for use of corrective action account monies if the person who owns the site pays a two hundred dollar ($200.00) annual fee per site ... " Further, W.S. ยง 35-11-1425(b) of the Wyoming Environmental Quality Act states, "On April 1 of each year the department may assess a late payment fee of one hundred dollars ($100) per tank or contaminated site against any owner who has not paid the annual fee ... "


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
8/28/2015NOV and Order from DEQ Solid Waste DivisionJim RubyPleadingAccepted
9/29/2015Return of Service CertificateJim RubyPleading ExhibitAccepted
3/3/2016Order Approving NOV&OrderJim RubyOrderAccepted

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