File Name: Hazardous Waste Rule Ch. 1
EQC Docket Number: 14-5101
Date Opened: 9/30/2014
AG Attorney: Jeremy Gross
Prevailing Party: Respondent
Date of Disposition: 1/14/2015
Date File Closed: 3/25/2015
Archive Date: 3/26/2018
Archive Box:
City: Cheyenne
County: State wide
DEQ File Number: Hazardous Waste Rule Ch. 1
Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Case type: Rulemaking
Hearing Examiner: Bagley
Summary: The SHWD, pursuant to the authority vested in it by the Environmental Quality Act, Wyoming Statute ยง35-11-503, proposes to repeal Chapters 2 -14 of the Hazardous Waste Rules and Regulations, taking the substance of those chapters and moving it to a single chapter (Chapter 1), which utilizes Incorporation By Reference of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, "Protection of the Environment" (40 CFR). The revisions are intended to maintain primacy of the State with respect to 40 CFR, bring the State up-to-date with the 40 CFR, and provide for a more succinct, easy to use set of rules for the regulated community that detail where Wyoming is more stringent than, or broader-in-scope than, 40 CFR. The revised rules are required by federal law as well as W.S. 35-11-503. The revised rules exceed the minimum federal requirements for administering 40 CFR in Wyoming. The revised rules meet minimum substantive state statutory requirements per W.S. 16-3-103(a)(i)(G). The DEQ has evaluated the revised rules per W.S. 9-5-304, and interested persons may request a copy of the evaluation at the address below.
SHWD Rule Making Final Hearing1/14/2015 9:00:00 AMState Library, Room 112 Cheyenne, WY


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
9/30/2014Chapter 1, Draft HWRR, General ProvisionsAlan ThompsonClean Chapter 
9/30/2014Draft SOPRAlan ThompsonProposed Statement of Principal Reasons 
9/30/2014Transcript of July 25, 2014 WWAB MeetingAlan ThompsonAdvisory Board Transcript 
9/30/2014Responses to Comments for WWAB MeetingAlan ThompsonOther 
9/30/2014Comments for WWAB Public NoticeAlan ThompsonComment on Proposed Rule 
9/30/2014Governor's Signed MemoAlan ThompsonMemo to Governor 
9/30/2014HWRR Takings AnalysisAlan ThompsonTaking Analysis 
9/30/2014HWRR Notice of IntentAlan ThompsonNotice of Intent to Adopt Rules 
9/30/2014Memo from Director Requesting RulemakingAlan ThompsonMemo Requesting Rulemaking 
9/30/2014Attorney General's StatementAlan ThompsonOther 
9/30/2014Alan Thompson agreed to receive service by emailAlan ThompsonEmail Service Agreement 
10/1/2014Public NoticeAlan ThompsonNotice of Public Hearing 
10/29/2014Affidavit of PublicationAlan ThompsonPleading Affidavit 
1/7/2015Responses to Written CommentsAlan ThompsonCommentsAccepted
1/8/2015EQC Powerpoint PresentationAlan ThompsonOtherAccepted
1/8/2015EQC Powerpoint Presentation (Removed)Alan ThompsonOtherRemoved
1/15/2015SOPJim RubyStatement of Principal ReasonAccepted
1/15/2015Attendance SheetJim RubyOtherAccepted
3/23/2015Final Certification PageAlan ThompsonCertification PageAccepted

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