File Name: AQD Chapters 3, 5, 6, 7 &11
EQC Docket Number: 14-2101
Date Opened: 8/1/2014
AG Attorney: Elizabeth Lyon
Prevailing Party: Respondent
Date of Disposition: 10/8/2014
Date File Closed: 1/15/2015
Archive Date: 3/26/2018
Archive Box:
City: Cheyenne
County: Laramie
DEQ File Number: Chapter 3, 5, 6, 7 &11
Division: Air Quality
Case type: Rulemaking
Hearing Examiner: Bagley
Summary: The AQD, will present the proposed rulemaking to the EQC. The proposed rulemaking will involve revising Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations Chapter 3, General Emission Standards; Chapter 5, National Emission Standards; Chapter 6, Permitting Requirements; Chapter 7, Monitoring Regulations; and Chapter 11, National Acid Rain Program. Chapter 3, Section 9, Incorporation by reference, is being revised as part of the annual effort to adopt changes to the federal definition of VOCs, bringing the version up to date as of July 1, 2013. Revisions to Chapter 5, Section 2, New source performance standards, and Section 3, National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, are being proposed to reflect changes in the federal versions of these rules. Chapter 6, Permitting Requirements, Section 3, Operating permits, Section 4, Prevention of significant deterioration, and Chapter 7, Monitoring Regulations, Section 3, Compliance assurance monitoring (CAM), are being revised to update a citation to a Federal Register article under the definition of “tpy CO2 equivalent emissions (CO2e).” Section 4 of Chapter 6 is also being updated to specifically list a new minor source baseline date for fine particulate. Section 9 of Chapter 3; Section 4 of Chapter 5; and Section 14 of Chapter 6 are all Incorporation by reference sections, and are being updated to adopt by reference from the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as of July 1, 2013. These sections have also been revised to include the location on the internet of the incorporated matter as defined in W.S. 9-2-1035(a)(iii). Chapter 11, Section 2, Acid rain program, is an annual update to portions of the State Air Regulations which are adopted verbatim by reference from the CFR and also includes the location on the internet of the incorporated matter as defined in W.S. 9-2-1035(a)(iii). Chapter 3, Section 9; and Chapter 6, Sections 4 and 14, involve changes to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) to satisfy Clean Air Act Sections 110 and 166. The AQD will submit these SIP changes to the EPA.
AQD Chapters 3, 5, 6, 7, & 1110/8/2014 10:00:00 AMHerschler Building, Room 1699, 122 W. 25th, Cheyenne, WY 82002


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
8/1/2014Parfitt to EQC_R23 Rulemaking Package_7-25-14_SignedJeni CederleMemo Requesting Rulemaking 
8/1/2014R23_Memo to Gov_Pop_C3 5 6 7 11_5-29-14_SignedJeni CederleMemo to Governor 
8/1/2014Notice of Intent and Federal Citations_R23_webJeni CederleNotice of Intent to Adopt Rules 
8/1/2014SOPR_R-23_W.S. IBR_5-29-14Jeni CederleProposed Statement of Principal Reasons 
8/1/2014EQC_Public_Notice_R-23_7-24-14_FinalJeni CederleNotice of Public Hearing 
8/1/2014AG Review Request_R23_5-9-14_SignedJeni CederleTaking Analysis 
8/1/2014AQAB_4-22-14_TranscriptJeni CederleAdvisory Board Transcript 
8/1/2014Chapter 3, Section 9_VOC IBR_Draft 5-30-14_RED LINE FINALJeni CederleStrike and Underline Chapter 
8/1/2014Chapter 3, Section 9_VOC IBR_Draft 5-30-14_CLEAN FINALJeni CederleClean Chapter 
8/1/2014Chapter 5_S 2 3 4_RED LINE FINALJeni CederleStrike and Underline Chapter 
8/1/2014Chapter 5_S 2 3 4_CLEAN FINALJeni CederleClean Chapter 
8/1/2014Chapter 6_S 4 14_RED LINE FINALJeni CederleStrike and Underline Chapter 
8/1/2014Chapter 6_S 4 14_CLEAN FINALJeni CederleClean Chapter 
8/1/2014Chapter 7_S3_Draft 5-30-14_RED LINE FINALJeni CederleStrike and Underline Chapter 
8/1/2014Chapter 7_S3_Draft 5-30-14_CLEAN FINALJeni CederleClean Chapter 
8/1/2014Chapter 11_Draft 5-30-14_RED LINE FINALJeni CederleStrike and Underline Chapter 
8/1/2014Chapter 11_Draft 5-30-14_CLEAN FINALJeni CederleClean Chapter 
8/1/2014AQAB Public Notice_C3, 5, 6, 7, 11_R23Jeni CederleOther 
8/1/2014Jeni Cederle agreed to receive service by emailJeni CederleEmail Service Agreement 
8/1/2014Jeni Cederle declined to receive service by emailJeni CederleEmail Service Agreement 
8/1/2014Jeni Cederle agreed to receive service by emailJeni CederleEmail Service Agreement 
9/30/2014R23_Response to Comment_EQC_10-8-14Jeni CederleComment on Proposed Rule 
10/6/2014Amended_SOPR_R-23_W.S. IBR_9-30-14Jeni CederleProposed Statement of Principal Reasons 
10/29/2014Hearing Transcript 10/08/2014Tyffanne MobleyTranscript 
11/5/2014Statement of Principal Reasons for AdoptionTyffanne MobleyStatement of Principal ReasonAccepted
11/24/2014R23 Certification Page_FinalJeni CederleCertification PageAccepted
11/24/2014WAQSR C3 S9_Final Rule Jeni CederleOtherAccepted
11/24/2014WAQSR C5 S2 3 4_Final RuleJeni CederleOtherAccepted
11/24/2014WAQSR C6 S4 14_Final RuleJeni CederleOtherAccepted
11/24/2014WAQSR C7 S3_Final RuleJeni CederleOtherAccepted
11/24/2014WAQSR C11_Final RuleJeni CederleOtherAccepted
12/2/2014Amber Potts agreed to receive service by emailAmber PottsEmail Service AgreementAccepted

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