File Name: Sugarland Partners, LLC
EQC Docket Number: 13-4803
Date Opened: 8/19/2013
AG Attorney: Williamson
Prevailing Party: Petitioner
Date of Disposition: 9/13/2013
Date File Closed: 9/13/2013
Archive Date: 3/26/2018
Archive Box:
City: Wheatland
County: Platte
DEQ File Number: TFN 5 5/291
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Orders of DEQ Requiring Approval
Hearing Examiner: Searle
Summary: Citizen objection to a proposed marble mining permit to be issued to Sugarland Partners, LLC.
Final Hearing9/13/2013 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 8/19/2013Hyche Objection LetterHyche  
Archived 8/19/2013LQD Response to HycheNuttbrock  
Archived 8/19/2013Public Notice   
Archived 8/19/2013Sugarland Partners' Consent to Electronic CorrespondenceWeaver  
Archived 8/19/2013LQD's Agreement to Extend Hearing DateWilliamson  
Archived 8/20/2013Sugarland Partners' Agreement to Extend Hearing DateWeaver  
Archived 8/20/2013Hyche's Agreement to Extend Hearing DateHyche  
Archived 8/20/2013DEQ's Consent to Electronic CorrespondenceWilliamson  
Archived 8/22/2013Schedule Pre-Hearing OrderSearle  
Archived 9/5/2013Order of ScheduleSearle  
Archived 9/11/2013DEQ's Stipulated Motion to Stay ProceedingsWilliamson  
Archived 9/12/2013Order Granting DEQ's Stipulated Motion to Stay ProceedingsSearle  
Archived 9/13/2013Joint Motion to DismissWilliamson  
Archived 9/13/2013Order Granting Joint Motion to DismissSearle  

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