File Name: AQD Rulemaking Chapters 3,4,5,6,8,11
EQC Docket Number: 13-2101
Date Opened: 7/15/2013
AG Attorney: DEQ
Prevailing Party: Respondent
Date of Disposition: 9/12/2013
Date File Closed: 9/12/2013
Archive Date: 3/26/2018
Archive Box:
City: Cheyenne
County: Laramie
DEQ File Number: none
Division: Air Quality
Case type: Rulemaking
Hearing Examiner: Coverdale
Summary: The Environmental Quality Counc il, pursuant to the authority vested in it by the Wyoming Statutes 35-11-11 2 (a) (i), has revised, removed, or added the following chapters and sections to the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations: Chapter 3, General Emiss ion Standards, Section 2, Emission standards for particulate matter, and Section 9, Incorporati on by reference; Chapter 4, State Performance Standards for Speci fie Existing Sources, Section I, Introduction to state performance standards for specific existing sources, Section 5, Existing hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators, and Section 6, Incorporati on by reference; Chapter 5, National Emission Standards, Secti on 2, New source performance standards, Section 3, National emiss ion standards for hazardous air pollutants, and Secti on 4, Incorporation by reference; Chapter 6, Permitting Requirements, Section 4, Prevention of significant deterioration, and Secti on 14, Incorporation by reference; Chapter 8, Nonattainment Area Regulations, Section 1, Introduction to nonattainment area regul ations, Section 5, Ozone nonattainment emiss ion inventory rule, Section 6, Reserved, Secti on 7, Reserved, Section 8, Reserved, Section 9, Reserved, and Section 10, Incorporation by reference; and Chapter 1 I, National Acid Rain Program, Section 2, Acid rain program.
Final Hearing9/12/2013 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 7/15/2013DEQ Memo to EQC RE: Rulemaking PackageParfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Notice of Intent to Adopt RulesAnderson  
Archived 7/15/2013Proposed Statement of Principal Reasons for AdoptionParfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Notice of Public HearingParfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013DEQ Memo RE Chapters 4,5,6,11Parfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013DEQ Memo RE Chapters 3,5,8Parfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Chapter 3Parfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Chapter 3 - CleanParfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Chapter 4Parfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Chapter 4 - CleanParfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Chapter 5Parfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Chapter 5 - CleanParfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Chapter 6Parfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Chapter 6 - CleanParfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Chapter 8Parfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Chapter 8 - CleanParfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Chapter 11Parfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013Chapter 11 - CleanParfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013AQD Advisory Board Meeting Chapters 4, 5, 6, & 11 Transcript - January 16, 2013Parfitt  
Archived 7/15/2013AQD Advisory Board Meeting Chapters 3, 5, & 8 Transcript June 5, 2013Parfitt  
Archived 8/27/2013EDF CommentsGoldstein  
Archived 9/10/2013AQD Response to CommentsAnderson  
Archived 9/12/2013AQD PowerPoint PresentationSmith  
Archived 12/9/2013Notice of Final AdoptionDietrich  
Archived 12/9/2013Chapter 3 - FinalParfitt  
Archived 12/9/2013Chapter 4 - FinalParfitt  
Archived 12/9/2013Chapter 5 - FinalParfitt  
Archived 12/9/2013Chapter 6 - FinalParfitt  
Archived 12/9/2013Chapter 8 - FinalParfitt  
Archived 12/9/2013Chapter 11 - FinalParfitt  
Archived 12/9/2013Certification PageParfitt  

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