File Name: Melvin E. Gustin
EQC Docket Number: 11-4502
Date Opened: 11/3/2011
AG Attorney:
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 5/16/2012
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
County: Fremont
DEQ File Number:
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Bond Forfeitures
Hearing Examiner: NA
Summary: Failure to install water bars on the access route to the seven excavation sites associated with Permit 310s. (Withdrawal of Objection to NOV) - 4/12/2012


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 11/3/2011Bond Forfeiture RecommendationNuttbrock  
Archived 11/3/2011Certified DEQ Letter.10-6-11Nuttbrock  
Archived 11/3/2011NOVNuttbrock  
Archived 11/3/2011Inspection ReportNuttbrock  
Archived 11/3/2011NOV Mail Refusal MemoNuttbrock  
Archived 11/18/2011Signed Bond Forfeiture RecommendationFlitner  
Archived 3/14/2012Gustin Letter.3-13-12Gustin  
Archived 3/15/2012Gustin Letter w-Bond Forfeiture Documents and Communication Attach. W-AG lettersGustin  
Archived 3/23/2012Notice of HearingCoverdale  
Archived 4/3/2012Order of ScheduleCoverdale  
Archived 4/9/2012Amended Order of ScheduleCoverdale  
Archived 4/12/2012Notice of Withdrawal of Notice of ViolationEsch  
Archived 4/12/2012Proposed Order of Dismissal Without PrejudiceEsch  
Archived 5/16/2012Order of Dismissal Without PrejudiceCoverdale  

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