File Name: McMurry Ready Mix
EQC Docket Number: 10-4803
Date Opened: 11/8/2010
AG Attorney:
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 3/10/2011
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
County: Sublette
DEQ File Number:
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Orders of DEQ Requiring Approval
Hearing Examiner: Boal
Summary: Objection to Eastfork Ranch Mine in Boulder, WY. The Goodwins and neighbors intend to submit detailed comments on the permit application for TFN 5 3/143 and to requst a contested case hearing within the noticed public comment period.
Final Hearing12/10/2010 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 11/8/2010Sullivan Objection LetterSullivan  
Archived 11/8/2010Public NoticeMcKenzie  
Archived 11/8/2010Certified DEQ Letter.SullivanMcKenzie  
Archived 11/19/2010EQC 20 Day Objection Letter.SullivanRuby  
Archived 11/19/2010Garside Objection LetterGarside  
Archived 11/19/2010Certified DEQ Letter.GarsideMcKenzie  
Archived 11/19/2010EQC 20 Day Objection LetterRuby  
Archived 11/22/2010Goodwin, Hasting, White & Simpson Objection LetterSullivan  
Archived 11/22/2010East Fork Objection LetterAimone  
Archived 11/23/2010Notice of Hearing and OrderBoall  
Archived 11/23/2010EQC 20 Day Objection Letter East ForkRuby  
Archived 12/2/2010Order of ScheduleBoal  
Archived 12/6/2010Notice of HearingRuby  
Archived 12/6/2010DEQ Exhibit AEsch  
Archived 12/7/2010McMurry Ready Mix Company's Motion in Limine and Brief in SupportHageman  
Archived 12/7/2010East Fork Limited Partnership's Statement of Issues and List of Witnesses and ExhibitsAimone  
Archived 12/7/2010East Fork Limited Partnership's Public Nuisance MemorandumAimone  
Archived 12/7/2010Public Nuisance Memorandum.DEQEsch  
Archived 12/7/2010Boulder Resident Objector's List of Witnesses and Exhibits and Statement of IssuesSullivan  
Archived 12/7/2010Boulder Resident's Memorandum of Law Regarding The Definition of a Public NuisanceSullivan  
Archived 12/7/2010Boulder Resident Objector's Motion to Modify Hearing ScheduleSullivan  
Archived 12/7/2010Entry of Appearance.SullivanSullivan  
Archived 12/7/2010McMurry Ready Mix Company's Pre-hearing Disclosure-Summary of Issues, Witness List, and Exhibit ListHageman  
Archived 12/7/2010McMurry Ready Mix Company's Memorandum Regarding Law of NuisanceHageman  
Archived 12/7/2010DEQ Pre-hearing StatementEsch  
Archived 12/9/2010McMurry Ready Mix Company's Response to Objector's Motion to Modify Hearing ScheduleHageman  
Archived 12/9/2010DEQ's Response to McMurry Ready Mix Company's Motion in LimineEsch  
Archived 12/9/2010DEQ's Response to Boulder Resident Objectors' Motion to Modify Hearing ScheduleEsch  
Archived 12/9/2010Boulder Residents' Memorandum of Law in Opposition to McMurry Ready Mix Company's Motion in LimineSullivan  
Archived 12/9/2010East Fork Limited Partnership's Reply to Boulder Residents Motion to Modify Hearing Schedule and McMurry's Motion in LimineAimone  
Archived 12/14/2010Order of Closing Argument ScheduleBoal  
Archived 12/20/2010East Fork Limited Partnership's Closing ArgumentAimone  
Archived 12/20/2010Boulder Residents' Closing ArgumentSullivan  
Archived 1/6/2011DEQ's Closing ArgumentEsch  
Archived 1/6/2011McMurry's Closing ArgumentHageman  
Archived 1/12/2011Boulder Residents' Reply ClosingSullivan  
Archived 1/12/2011East Fork Limited Partnership's Rebuttal Closing ArgumentAimone  
Archived 1/24/2011Transcript of 1-13-11 hearingWRS  
Archived 2/10/2011Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and OrderSullivan  
Archived 2/24/2011McMurry Ready Mix Company's Objection to Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order Submitted by the Boulder ResidentsHageman  
Archived 2/24/2011McMurry Ready Mix Company Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and OrderHageman  
Archived 2/25/2011DEQ's Objections to Objector's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and OrderEsch  
Archived 2/25/2011DEQ's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and OrderEsch  
Archived 2/25/2011East Fork Limited Partnership's Objection to Boulder Resident's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and OrderAimone  
Archived 2/25/2011East Fork Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and OrderAimone  
Archived 3/10/2011Findings of Fact, Conclusions of LawBoal  

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