File Name: Snowy Mountain Lodge, LLC
EQC Docket Number: 10-5905A
Date Opened: 11/5/2010
AG Attorney:
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 3/10/2011
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
County: Albany
DEQ File Number: 4759-10
Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Case type: Bond Forfeitures
Hearing Examiner: Ogden
Summary: (1). Failure to upgrade above ground storage tanks (AST) by October 1, 2008, (2). Failure to perform a minimum site assessment (MSA) by October 1, 2008, (3). Failure to pay annual tank fees - Snowy Mountain Lodge is located at 3474 Highway 130, near Centennial, WY.
Final Hearing3/10/2011 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 11/5/2010NOV and OrderAnderson  
Archived 11/5/2010Certified DEQ LetterAnderson  
Archived 11/18/2010Appeal Letter.McCardleMcCardle  
Archived 11/19/2010Response OrderFlitner  
Archived 12/20/2010Notice of Service of First Discovery Requests to PetitionerBarrash  
Archived 12/20/2010DEQ's Response to PetitionBarrash  
Archived 1/28/2011Prehearing OrderOgden  
Archived 2/10/2011Scheduling OrderOgden  
Archived 2/17/2011Joint Stipulation for Disposition and Dismissal of AppealBarrash-McCardle-Anderson  
Archived 2/17/2011Draft Order Approving Joint Stipulation and Dismissing AppealBarrash  
Archived 3/10/2011Order Approving Joint Stipulation and Dismissing AppealOgden  
Archived 12/5/2011Letter of ComplianceBullock  

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