File Name: Country Valley Store
EQC Docket Number: 09-5211
Date Opened: 6/12/2009
AG Attorney:
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 8/18/2009
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
County: Sweetwater
DEQ File Number: 4476-09
Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Case type: NOV & Order if Docket Ends with A it's been appeal
Hearing Examiner: NA
Summary: They were informed of the rquirement to maintain, inspect, and service their cathodic protection (CP) system every three (3) years on the two (2) underground storage tanks at the Country Valley Store. Thefees for facility 0-001262 have not been paid for four years. These fees are required for a facility to be covered by the Corrective Action Account and the Financial Responsibility Account, and they are not optional.
Final Hearing8/18/2009 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 6/12/2009Notice of Violation and OrderFeusner  
Archived 6/12/2009Certified DEQ LetterFeusner  
Archived 8/19/2009Order Approving OrderFlitner  
Archived 8/19/2009Order Approving Order LetterRuby  
Archived 12/5/2011Letter of ComplianceBullock  

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