File Name: Chapter 1, Voluntary Remediation Program, SHW
EQC Docket Number: 07-5101
Date Opened: 7/30/2007
AG Attorney:
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 1/13/2010
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
DEQ File Number:
Division: Solid and Hazardous Waste
Case type: Rulemaking
Hearing Examiner: Searle
Summary: A new proposed rule - Chapter 1, Voluntary Remediation Program, SHW. This chapter is entitled Pollution Prevention Plan Requirements for Eligibility in the Voluntary Remediation Program. This proposed Chapter establishes that if any facility owner or operator anticipates that they will ever want to enter their facility into the VRP, they will need to be implementing a pollution prevention plan at their facility. This Chapter provides definitions, an explanation of applicability, pertinent time frames, requirements for written pollution prevention plans, and requirements for alternative minimum pollution prevention operating standards.
Final Hearing11/5/2009 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 7/30/2007Request Memo.John CorraCorra  
Archived 7/30/2007Draft Proposed Rules and Statement of ReasonsAnderson  
Archived 7/30/2007Transcript of Advisory Board Meeting ProceedingsAnderson  
Archived 7/31/2007New Case LetterMcGee  
Archived 10/2/2009Memo.Suggested Minor Corrections and UpdatesWay  
Archived 10/2/2009Draft Proposed Rules and Statement of Reasons.CleanWay  
Archived 10/2/2009Draft Proposed Rules and Statement of Reasons.MarkedWay  
Archived 11/10/2009Response to Comments w-attached comments.11-10-09Anderson  
Archived 11/16/2009Clark Resource Council.Comments   
Archived 12/14/2009Transcript.11-16-09.Vol. 1WRS  
Archived 12/14/2009Transcript.11-18-09.Vol. IIWRS  
Archived 1/13/2010Certification Page   

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