File Name: The Termo Company
EQC Docket Number: 07-3615
Date Opened: 5/4/2007
AG Attorney: Barrash
Prevailing Party:
Date of Disposition:
Date File Closed: 7/7/2008
Archive Date:
Archive Box:
DEQ File Number:
Division: Water Quality
Case type: Company objection to the decision of the Director regarding its own permit
Hearing Examiner: Moore
Summary: The Termo Company petitions the Council to review Permit No. WY0055158, issued on March 8, 2007 by the DEQ, Water Quality Division for Termo's Homestead Draw II project. This permit, which authorizes the discharge of produced water from coalbed natural gas wells into five existing reservoirs used for agricultural purposes, located on ephemeral tributaries to Bitter Creek in the Powder River drainge, contains restricitive permit conditions that will render the project uneconomic and prevent the beneficial use of the water. Termo seeks modification of the permit to change the effluent limitations that are unnecessary to protect the water quality of the receiving reservoirs.
Final Hearing5/28/2008 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 5/4/2007Petition for Review of Permit No. WY0055158Throne  
Archived 6/27/2007Brug Land and Livestock CommentBrug  
Archived 6/27/2007Brug.Pics.6-27-07Brug  
Archived 9/18/2007Response OrderBoal  
Archived 10/17/2007DEQ's Response to Appeal by the Termo CompanyBarrash  
Archived 11/15/2007Pre-hearing OrderMoore  
Archived 12/6/2007Scheduling Conference OrderMoore  
Archived 2/21/2008Motion for Extension of Time to Submit Expert DesignationHickey & Evans  
Archived 2/21/2008Proposed Order for Extension of Time to Submit Expert Designation   
Archived 2/22/2008Order Extending Time Within Which to Submit Expert DesignationMoore  
Archived 2/28/2008The Termo Company's Designation of ExpertEvans  
Archived 2/28/2008Harvey ResumeEvans  
Archived 2/28/2008Section 20 Compliance Analysis.HarveyEvans  
Archived 3/20/2008Joint Stipulation for Withdrawal and Dismissal of AppealBarrash, Throne  
Archived 3/20/2008Proposed Order for Withdrawal of AppealBarrash  
Archived 3/20/2008Modification of Authorization of DischargeBarrash, Throne  
Archived 3/20/2008Permit No. WY0055158.3-20-08Barrash  
Archived 4/16/2008Order Vacating HearingMoore  
Archived 7/7/2008Order Dismissing AppealMoore  

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