File Name: Dave's Asphalt Company
EQC Docket Number: 04-4800
Date Opened: 3/31/2004
AG Attorney: Burbridge
Prevailing Party: Petitioner
Date of Disposition: 9/14/2004
Date File Closed: 9/14/2004
Archive Date: 4/22/2015
Archive Box:
City: Riverton
County: Fremont
DEQ File Number: TFN4 2/127
Division: Land Quality
Case type: Citizen objection to a mine permit or decision of the Director
Hearing Examiner: Brady
Summary: In December of 2003, DAC, the Applicant, applied for Small Mine Pennit # TFN4 21127. DAC currently operates a sand and gravel pit (l!O!ET) on the edge of the tov.n of Riverton. 2. The DEQ proposed approval of Permit# TFN 4 2/127 and DAC published notice of the pending pennit pursuant to the Environmental Quality Act, Section ยง 35-ll-406, w.s. 2000. 3. Petitioners filed timely objections to the issuance of the permit.
Final Hearing5/11/2004 12:00:00 AM 


 ViewDateTitleFiled ByDocument TypeStatus
Archived 3/31/2004Objection LetterPowell  
Archived 4/1/2004Objection LetterKennedy  
4/1/2004Objection LetterRogersPleadingAccepted
Archived 4/2/2004Letter replying to objection letterLorenzon  
Archived 4/5/2004Certified mailing log   
Archived 4/6/2004Letter responding to continuance requestKennedy  
Archived 4/7/2004Letter responding to EQC reply letterRogers  
Archived 4/9/2004Memo, Platt to File re: informatl meeting w/ obje   
Archived 4/9/2004Letter, Long to Lorenzon re: continuance of EQC   
Archived 4/13/2004Letter, Powell to Lorenzon re: continuance of EQC   
Archived 4/16/2004Legal Notice of Public Hearing to Riverton Ranger   
Archived 4/16/2004Legal Notice of Public Hearing to Casper Star   
Archived 4/16/2004Notice of Hearing and OrderBrady  
Archived 4/21/2004Pre-Hearing DisclosuresBurbridge  
Archived 4/22/2004Memo, Girardin to EQC, re: case summary   
Archived 4/23/2004Witness designation from Kennedy   
Archived 4/23/2004email, Rogers to Girardin re: word file attachment   
4/23/2004Comments by Rex Rogers on Dave's mining permit PleadingAccepted
Archived 4/26/2004Email, Leaderphone to Girardin re: conference call   
Archived 4/26/2004Letter, Long to Lorenzon re: witness designation   
Archived 4/27/2004Memo, Girardin to File re: phone call to Powell   
Archived 5/6/2004Casper Star Tribune Invoice   
9/14/2004Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and OrderBradyOrderAccepted

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